Bardstown Road Photo Shoot | Alexa

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Alexa is one of my closest friends. She and I met because a mutual friend asked us to shoot her wedding together. Alexa is one of the only really close “photography friends” that I have in Louisville. I can always ask for her opinion on an edit, or advice when it comes to education and marketing. She’s also always willing to listen to me rant and usually understands exactly what I’m trying to explain. I love hanging out withe Alexa because it’s so easy. We can just sit around and edit, or meet up for brunch. Our brunch meetings always allow us to catch up with each other, get advice, and almost always end in a little Bardstown Road photo shoot just like this one!

headshots, bardstown road, bardstown road headshots, bardstown road session

Alexa and I tend to have a go-to brunch place: Highland Morning on Bardstown Road. It’s conveniently located between our homes and the food is always great. We usually grab some food and talk for a while before roaming around with our cameras in tow. Usually, we just walk. We look for a cute spot we haven’t shot at before or a background we want to play around with. We take turns taking photos of each other and trying to find new ways to make each other giggle. This time? I just kept saying the word “booty.” And it worked like a charm!

headshots, bardstown road, bardstown road headshots, bardstown road session

This particular brunch session came about because of a conversation Alexa and I were having about our changing editing styles. Alexa had made a comment that she had changed her editing style a lot since the last time she and I had photographed each other. While I was scrolling through social media, I realized that this was the case for both of us! I decided that I wanted to take new photos of Alexa for her to use on her social media accounts and her website. She decided to do the same for me!

headshots, bardstown road, bardstown road headshots, bardstown road session

Meeting up with Alexa is always wonderful because it’s always a learning experience. She has taught me so much about photography, shooting tips, editing tricks, and marketing. We also spend a lot of time learning about life together. Alexa has taught me so much about patience and grace. She’s so good at slowing down and being present and just being around her has taught me to do the same.

headshots, bardstown road, bardstown road headshots, bardstown road session

I love spending time with Alexa and I loved our little Bardstown Road photo shoot. What’s your favorite spot around Bardstown Road? Give me some new spots to check out!

Are you interested in some headshots or a fun mini session? Shoot me a message over on Instagram or Facebook, fill out the contact box on my website, or send me a quick email! I’d love to get in touch! 🙂

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