Bellarmine Senior Session | Anastasia

Anastasia and I met at work. She has always been hard working, kind, sweet, dedicated, passionate, and totally obsessed with Taylor Swift. I always knew my days would be better when Anastaisa was working too. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity when she asked me to take her Senior Photos upon her graduation from Bellarmine University.  We, unfortunately, had to delay our session due to COVID-19, but were thankfully able to fit it in once we were allowed to start working in a socially distant way in Louisville. As soon as Anastasia got her cap and gown, we set a date and got VERY excited!

During Anastasia’s session, we reminisced about our time working together, danced to Taylor Swift’s 1989, Reputation, and Lover albums. We also got to haer a bunch of wonderful (and very funny) stories about Anastasia’s time as a Bellarmine student. She told us about the organizations that she was apart of, and all of her experiences tripping on campus. It’s nice to know that we all embarrass ourselves tripping on college campuses, isn’t it?

Are you graduating from college or high school this year? Would you like to remember your senior year? Have you scheduled your senior photo session yet? Do you want your own Bellarmine Senior Session? Shoot me a message over on Instagram or Facebook, fill out the contact box on my website, or send me a quick email! I’d love to get in touch! 🙂

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